Spiritual Workout
Dear Spiritual Workout:
It’s looking more and more like my long-term relationship is running out of gas. It’s a pretty mutual feeling we have but nobody’s pushing the button and it’s like we’re in suspended animation. If we don’t end it soon, I fear I will be forever sad but I’m also afraid to be the one to make it happen. I think I know what you’re going to say, but I’d like to hear it anyway.
Dear Reader:
Alrighty then! If you expected me to jump all over “fear” and “afraid,” you win the prize. The energy of fear is, I’m sure, not in the same range as the energy of what you want for your Self when this relationship is done and processed. So, getting in touch with what that is will be critical to transcending what sounds like a morass of meh in which you’ve been living. Getting energy moving out of fear by getting those intentions shiny and clear will begin to make things look very different very quickly. And I promise, you don’t need a lot to go on. A happy life? A comfortable home? Fun? Connection (romantic and otherwise)? Inner peace? That’s a lot to work with. I’m a broken record but fear is nobody’s friend when it comes to making decisions and cultivating intentions is always critical to getting out of fear.
Dear Spiritual Workout:
I’ve been wavering on a major life decision and am not sure how to decide. It involves studying abroad for two years in what I know will be an intense program that will boost my career. And living in another country would be awesome. But it will mean time away from my family including my aging grandmother. It seems like no matter what I choose, I will be disappointed. How can I decide?
Dear Reader:
It also sounds like whatever you choose could excite and satisfy you. The Spiritual Workout concept that typically is front and center when making choices and decisions like this is listen to inspiration. This is the part of us that is often devalued and minimized in our culture, so you’re forgiven for not thinking of it. The idea is to give your Self some quiet time or, more to the point, some quiet times. Run one scenario through your mind in all its glory. What would it be like to stay home, share quality time with your grandmother, and, what? Study in a different program in a different way? Then pay ultra close attention to the feelings that come with that choice. Like a meditation of sorts. Several times for as much time as you have to decide. Now, clear your palette, if you will, of that scenario and conjure up the other one and do the same thing: intense program; career; different culture. As many times as you can. Instead of pros and cons, list the feelings conjured by each and let your feelings tell you what to do. That’s how to decide Spiritual Workout-style.
Dear Reader
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