Opinion: Response to ‘Why unions redux’

Neal Simpson, M.D., Hemet, wrote a rebuttal to Conor O’Farrell’s column about unions. [See the Nov. 29 issue of the Town Crier for Simpson’s view and the Nov. 15 issue for O’Farrell’s original column.]

Many of us have watched the TV show “The Big Bang Theory.”

My understanding is that Sheldon Cooper should refrain from writing letters or rebuttals to local newspapers when his personal frustrations get in the way of ordinary common sense. Fortunately for the wonderful humor of the show, he never does.

We all want great doctors and many of those are frustrated geniuses. Continuing with TV show analogies, Dr. House, please pull your head back into the shell of your Galapagos tortoise-sized brilliance long enough to understand that the real world is a place where the weak, ordinary, regular, dedicated, hardworking, aged, young, and sometimes handicapped-but-wanting-to-be-useful people do need to survive — in spite of the inconvenience to powerful corporations, wealthy monopolies, and even democratically elected governments.

I gladly count myself in the group of ordinary citizens and appreciate the great service to our country that unions have done and continue to do.

Norman Johnson
Costa Mesa

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