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Town Hall offers kids yoga classes
Yoga Instructor, Trine Bietz) teaches young students how to stand in the “tree” yoga position at Town Hall last Thursday.
Small debris fire in Fern Valley quickly extinguished
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School photo day
Phoenix Bernal, Dilyan Blackwell, Levi Davis, Ruby McKeller, Kat DeHolanda and Kylie Ebner prepare for the pictures during Idyllwild School’s Picture Day last Thursday. Mike Isaac (right) was one of the photographers.
Softball teams face off over Labor Day weekend
In the Labor Day weekend game between Palm Springs Subaru and Idyllwild’s Pacific Slope team, plenty of action took place at home plate. The tournament is a benefit for the Idyllwild School sports program.
Hamilton leads hikes during Wildflower Festival
Hamilton led some informative interpretive walks in the Idyllwild Nature Center forest during the Wildflower Festival over Memorial Day weekend …