tcAccording to CHP Officer Mike Murawski, the rider of Honda Shadow 500 crashed on Highway 243 near Idyllwild Pines Camp. civilians were providing CPR before emergency personnel arrived. Idyllwild Fire, Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company 621 and Riverside County Fire responded to the scene, closing Highway 243 in both directions for about 30 minutes while emergency personnel worked. The cyclist was transported by Idyllwild Fire to Keenwild Forest Service Station to meet Mercy Air, where he subsequently died from his injuries.

Editor's note: A prior photo was replaced.


  1. Thank for you sharing the photo. I disagree with the Facebook person who tried to shame you for posting the photo. This is news, not exploitation. Pictures speak a 1000 words. Motorcycle riders seeing this photo could trigger an increased sense of caution and safety.
    A small correction though “… The cyclist was transported …” that implied a bicycle, not a motorcycle.
    Thank you for reporting the REAL news.

    • Ok SO when its your time to leave this earth and begin the next journey in life…you want your families final way of remembering you to be that? Think about EVERYONE that it IS effecting…..Mother? Father?Wife? Sons? Daughters?

      • responsibility begins with the individual.
        A person’s actions are their own. Glorious, heroic, risky or damaging. It’s their legacy.

        Reporting news is displaying a mirror to what has already happened.
        Reporting news does not create the traffic accident.
        Reporting news has the potential of education to prevent the next fatality.

  2. You think your so high and mighty and intelligent. Who do you think you are shaming people for having the very understandable feeling of sadness and depression when they see a beloved family member layed out like that moments before he died. Out of those thousand words you referred to the only ones that come to mind are shock, disbelieve, and shame towards the person who posted and the sick minded person that takes pictures of the seriously injured. I ride a mortorcycle and believe me we all know the dangers, the only thing that picture does is disgust us that people are out there taking those pictures. Oh and a cyclist is defined as anyone that drives a cycle, which is defined as a bicycle or mortorcycle you would know that if you owned a dictionary. But you just sit there on you couch watching King of the Hill and while telling your self how smart you are.

  3. In regards to freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

    I welcome you entering in a conversation debate about the topic, but please note that insults do not elevate us in the goal of reaching a common agreement, or learning from each other.

    “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers”