
Creature Corner: May 26, 2016

Last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF cats were admittedly very happy that there were no ARF dogs.


Olivia: So, we’re canine-free, but there still are some changes.


Bobbie: Oh no, no, noooooooo!

Olivia: Two of the kittens, Twix and KitKat, went to forever homes, and London’s gone.

Bobbie: Gone? London’s gone? Where? Why? How?

Olivia: What are you? A journalist? London left us for a forever home. Lucky duck.

Bobbie: That’s a good change! And now we have only three pesky kittens to deal with. All of us deserve forever homes, (to the side), especially me. Now we have more room in our cattery!

Leia: Not really. Someone dropped off two beautiful cats, leaving them in a carrier on the back patio, in the sun. So sad. Just dumped.

Bobbie: That’s so wrong. How will we know if they need their shots? I’ll feel bad if they get more shots and they don’t really need them.

Olivia: You, feeling bad for another cat? Really?

Bobbie: Regardless of how I come across, I care. Who are the poor cats who were dumped?

Olivia: Ginger, a calico, and Maryann, who is as gray as a summer thunderstorm.

Bobbie: Oooh, look at you waxing poetic!

(Ginger and Maryann enter the cattery.)

Maryann: Woot-woot! New cats in the house!

Ginger: Please excuse Maryann. She’s quite outgoing. I’m certain some of you will really enjoy playing with her.

Maryann: Yea, who wants to play? You won’t get Ginger to join in, yet. She’s still pretty upset about being stuffed into an itty-bitty carrier with me. But we’re very glad ARF is able to care for us.

Ginger: Very glad.

Will Ginger and Maryann be over-vaccinated? Because they were left without records, we’ll probably never know. Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “The Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243, on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored by In Memory of All our Beloved Pets.

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