Past Tense: November 10, 2016

Barbara Bolt working at the Town Crier in 1972.File photo
Barbara Bolt working at the Town Crier in 1972. File photo

65 years ago – 1951 

Building started on the new Idyllwild Motel, a 10-unit structure on Pine Crest behind La Cantina.

60 years ago – 1956 

An Arabian horse show climaxed Palm Springs’ Western Week. Mary Nelson of Idyllwild was chair of the show, with Claire Woodmouse assisting.

55 years ago – 1961 

The Alandale Water Company filed articles of incorporation in Sacramento to supply water service on about 900 acres in the vicinity of Stone Creek.

50 years ago – 1966 

After a 34-year search, Mrs. Elbert McKissack of Mountain Center located her mother in a Cleveland suburb. McKissack had been raised by foster parents.

45 years ago – 1971

Vandals broke into the Idyllwild Elementary School, stealing a broken pair of scissors and the secretary’s apple.

40 years ago – 1976

Legal questions on some wording in the draft REMAP were requiring county counsel’s opinion. The questionable paragraph attempted to protect unconforming areas under the new plan.

35 years ago – 1981 

Phil Hodges, Gordon Lee and Bill Whitener were elected to the three positions on the Idyllwid Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners. Bruce Adams was re-elected to another term as a trustee on the Hemet Unified School District board.

30 years ago – 1986

A 3.1 earthquake centered 18 miles southwest of Palm Springs and a 3.2 earthquake centered 19 miles west of Palm Springs were both felt on the Hill the same day, Nov. 3.

25 years ago – 1991 

More than 800 people joined in the carnival on Halloween night. Plans were to make it bigger for the next year.

20 years ago – 1996 

Idyllwild residents voted down the controversial Measure Q, a parcel fee to suport a recreation center on the Hill.

15 years ago – 2001 

A 5.1 earthquake centered 10 miles southeast of Anza hit just before midnight Oct. 30.

10 years ago – 2006 

Chamber of Commerce 1st Vice President Geoffrey Caine announced  James Campbell as the new director of Town Hall Recreation. Campbell was unanimously choosen from a pool of applicants to replace Bob Lewis who had recently accepted a position with Riverside County.

5 years ago – 2011

Marge Muir, one of Idyllwild’s most iconic and esteemed residents, who had lived on the Hill for 53 years, and been involved as a volunteer in more boards and service organizations than most can remember, turned 80 years young on Sunday, Nov. 13.

1 year ago – 2015

Management of the Idyllwild Transfer Station changed hands with CR&R Inc. of Stanton, buying the contract that Waste Management Inc. had with Riverside County.

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