Opinion: A response to Dawn Miller

Your letter last week was direct and to the point. “These crazy guys, just whiners sitting on the sideline, complainers, they would probably say …”

Wow, can we elevate the conversation a bit, and deal with the important issues facing our community? Personal attacks and false assumptions are easy to make, let’s discuss the issues.

Is a new community center economically feasible, can a small, full-time population support it? Will it end up a financial drain in the midst of a financial crisis? Is a downtown park and playground enriched by Strawberry Creek and giant trees (about to be torn down), a more valuable asset to our community?

Let’s get behind CSA 36 and Town Hall Recreation. After all, they are responsible for administering our tax dollars.

Trust in our fire department and fire commissioners is essential. We had debates, we had lengthy articles and discussions, we had a general election. The people spoke and asked for a change.

All the incumbents that were up for re-election, including Capparelli, were voted out. Now Capparelli is back (by vote of two commission members) for two more years. Is this a proper way to build confidence?

Your cry “Get off the sidelines” is true. But the sidelines are filled with common-sense thinking members of the community, friends and neighbors who agree that these issues need to be faced and discussed. They stay away from meetings, they hesitate to write their opinions, because of personal attacks that are your expertise.

Dawn, we love this community. We are deeply involved in community-building activities. We don’t mind personal attacks when we express opinions unpopular to a small group of you.

Norm Cassen
Pine Cove

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