Rain and cooler temps in the forecast

May temperatures have been slightly below average and precipitation remains strong. Through this past weekend, rainfall is approaching two-thirds of the long-term average rainfall for the month.
The possibility of rain is in the forecast for Thursday and Friday as well as cooler temperatures.
Through Saturday, May 11, the U.S. Forest Service’s Keenwild Ranger Station has recorded 0.46 inches of rain. Much of that came Monday, May 6. Since 1946, the average May rainfall has been less than 0.75 inches.
Since Oct. 1, 2018, the beginning of the current rain year, Keenwild has recorded 28.73 inches. Historically, the average total rainfall from October through May has been 23.17 inches.
In the past decade, only two rain years, 2010-11 and 2016-17 have exceeded 23 inches. In both of those years, the total recorded rainfall was 33 and 34 inches, respectively.

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