Fire & Forest: MCFSC Summer Update …
As the Town Crier previously reported, Edwina Scott retired from the executive director position with Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council. After several interviews, the board of directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Kathy Wilson (from Idyllwild) as the new ED.
Also, to help the new ED and Field Supervisor Pete Coy, the board has hired Courtney Locke of Pine Cove to work part time performing duties in office management. This position has been filled off and on over the years depending on the amount of grant money available for abatement jobs. This year, there is money, a great need for abatement on our mountain and thus, the need for additional help.
To illustrate the need, our greatest amount of grant money this year is from Cal Fire, totaling $600,000 to be spent over a three-year period. However, we have had access to this money for only about five months and about one third of it is already spent on 60 occupied parcels on the Hill with another 15 to 25 property owners waiting for abatement.
We also need three new board members at MCFSC and that advertisement is in this paper, as well. After having as many as nine board members and as few as five, the present board has decided seven members is an optimal number.
The Woodies have been busy cutting and splitting wood for the Help Center and working on small abatement jobs for those citizens who qualify for such help. Idyllwild Fire Department has recently committed to help the Woodies cut firewood as a part of its service to the community and to train the young chainsaw operators for structure and wildland fires.
If the Fire Safe Council can help you abate your property or simply answer questions you might have about passing your LE100 inspection, give Kathy, Pete or Courtney a call at 951-659-6208.
As always, I appreciate those of you who have contributed to the green waste pile at the transfer station. We are all safer because of your hard work.