Huge Thank Yous to our Halie

The Town Crier is about to lose its graphic design and IT guru Halie Wilson, who has been our operations manager since Becky and I bought the paper in June of 2013 and was production manager before that, starting in 2011. Her two small children — our grandkids — need more attention now and she will be teaching them (preschool and first grade) at home during these COVID-19 days.
We could not more greatly appreciate Halie’s skills in designing display ads for our advertisers and laying out the newspaper’s pages each week and transmitting them to the printer. In addition, she posts the paper online, keeps track of Memberships, mailings, distributions and solves our IT problems.
She is a key staff member and we will be scrambling to fill her shoes.
Halie’s last day is scheduled to be Aug. 27. We will sorely miss working with her.
Becky and I are back in harness doing Memberships, mailings and distributions. Ad design, layout and transmission of pages, postings online and IT will be handed through Arizona Tech Design and Services in Chandler, Arizona.

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