Candidate filing opens

Anyone interested in running for office in the June 5, 2012, Presidential Primary Election may take out candidate filing papers beginning Feb. 13, 2012. Papers must be filed by 5 p.m. Friday, March 9, 2012. If an incumbent fails to file, the deadline for that office is extended to 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 14, 2012, for everyone except the incumbent.

Registrar of voters staff are available to assist with completing the necessary paperwork and answering any questions candidates may have. Candidates who are unsure of the local district offices they are eligible for, based on residency, should contact the registrar of voters office for help. Candidates will receive informational handbooks at the time they obtain their papers.

Further information about this election may be obtained from the registrar of voters at (951) 486-7200 or (800) 773-8683.

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