Author: Town Crier Contributor

Spiritual Workout

Spiritual Workout

Dear Spiritual Workout, I am in my sixties, fit and active. I discovered years ago that eating aplant-based diet was the key for me in terms of weight control and goodhealth. My dilemma now is that when I gather socially with friends theyconstantly share about their ailments, doctor visits, diagnoses andlimitations. I feel for their…

Spiritual Workout

Dear Spiritual Workout,There is a growing concern about narcissistic behavior and how itdestroys self-esteem.  I am in a situation now where I think fromdescriptions online that I am being manipulated by such a person in aromantic relationship.  Do I run to safety?  Or is this term beingoverused?A Loyal Reader Dear Loyal,You have enough self-esteem, at…

Julia’s Trail Tales – Part 8: PCT Days Festival and the Circuitous Journey Home

Julia’s Trail Tales – Part 8: PCT Days Festival and the Circuitous Journey Home

By Holly ParsonsCorrespondent Julia is a 17-year-old from Seattle, Washington who began hiking the PCTalone on May 25^(th) during the summer prior to her senior year in highschool. I was her driver on several occasions in Idyllwild and found herthoughts refreshingly unvarnished, colorful and succinct. She is by farthe youngest lone PCT hiker I’d met….

Julia’s Trail Tales – Part 6 – Mt Shasta to Timberline Lodge, Oregon

By Holly ParsonsCorrespondent Julia is a 17-year-old from Seattle, Washington who began hiking the PCTalone on May 25^(,,) during the summer prior to her senior year in highschool. I was her driver on several occasions in Idyllwild, and foundher thoughts refreshingly unvarnished, colorful and succinct. She is byfar the youngest lone PCT hiker I’ve met….

ADA and historic buildings

By David KellyContributed Don’t think your business is exempt from Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) laws because you have an old or historic building. In 2019, 3,606 complaints/pre-litigation letters were served on businesses. That is down from 4,320 in 2018. Riverside County is among the counties receiving the highest amount. The majority of these complaints…


Associates’ Virtual Holiday Gathering

By Associates of Idyllwild Arts FoundationContributed The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation are pleased to present the Virtual Holiday Gathering from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12 via Zoom at Not able to safely gather in person, we are taking the party to you via Zoom. All Associates members, plus members of the community, can…


Candidates answer the Town Crier’s questions

The Town Crier contacted the candidates running for Idyllwild Fire Protection District board of commissioners, State Assembly and Congress. Our questions and their responses are below. Not all candidates responded or met the deadline. Responses are printed in the order they were received. Responses from Lake Hemet Municipal Water District board candidates will be published…