Author: JP Crumrine

JP Crumrine is news editor of the Idyllwild Town Crier newspaper.
IFPD budget still in the red

IFPD budget still in the red

At its Tuesday, July 12 meeting, the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) Commission reviewed its end-of-year financial condition and discussed the recent Grand Jury report on the agency. Although the district’s expenses exceeded its income by $235,000, several unique one-time circumstances explain a significant portion of the deficit, said Commissioner Ben Killingsworth. He first defended…

New faces at CSA 38

New faces at CSA 38

Still discussing ambulance service On Wednesday, July 13, Thom Wallace attended his first County Service Area 38 (Pine Cove) Advisory Committee meeting as a member of the committee. Wallace succeeds former member Tom McCullough. The county Board of Supervisors approved his appointment the day before, July 12. Member Lou Padula opened discussion on how CSA…

New California state fire fee approved

On Thursday, July 7, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation imposing a $150 annual fire protection fee on private property owners within State Responsibility Areas (SRAs), including the Hill. Implementation of the fee will begin this fall and state officials expect to collect $50 million this fiscal year (July 2011-June 2012) and eventually $200 million annually….