Author: Kluzak, Tom & Kathy


Rotarians from Southern Africa visit Idyllwild

Seven members of Rotary Clubs in Botswana and South Africa spent a few days in Idyllwild, from June 19 to 21, as part of the Rotary Friendship Exchange. This Rotary International program aims to build international friendships by letting members experience different cultures, taking turns hosting each other in their homes and clubs. This particular…

Dr. Tom: The fate of our healthcare dollars, now and in the future …

Dr. Tom: The fate of our healthcare dollars, now and in the future …

Medical care in the U.S. is so much more expensive than every other country. How can we fix that? A dollar in U.S. medical spending looks like this: 31 cents goes to hospitals, 20 cents to doctors and clinical services, other personnel get 15 cents, prescription drugs account for 10 cents, nursing care and home…

Dr. Tom: A Brief History of the U.S. Government and Healthcare, Part II …

Dr. Tom: A Brief History of the U.S. Government and Healthcare, Part II …

While everyone would agree that the passage of Medicare in 1965 was a landmark event in not only American healthcare but also American politics, the failure to include Americans of all ages created a hole that many have tried to fill while others have tried to dig deeper. The lack of the political will or…