Art’s Corner
The ending of a calendar period is a somewhat somber occasion, whether it be that of a year, a month or a...
Palm Desert gallery featuring IAA exhibition
Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) debuts its spring 2023 off-site student exhibition with a reception from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday, May 5,...
Art’s Corner: Delirium Musicum
As always in the past, the specific contours of Idyllwild Arts’ Lowman Concert Hall prove more than receptively ideal for the projection...
Art Department offers much — for nonartists, too
This week, the Crier met Marla Sparks, proprietor of Art Department, which shares with Mountain Pottery the newly remodeled building at the...
From science teacher to potter, Helen Hixon at Mountain Pottery
Helen Hixon is the proprietor of Mountain Pottery. Locals may have noticed that the shop and studio moved from upper North Circle...
Idyllwild film fest announces winners
The winners of the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema 2023, held March 7 to March 11, are:
How Brian Parnell’s unique venue, AudioWild, took root
Editor’s note: This is part two of this story. Part one ran last week.
TC: It was time for...
How Brian Parnell’s unique venue, AudioWild, took root
Brian Parnell has taken a circuitous journey to end up an Idyllwilder. Like so many of us, a chance taken paid off...
‘Bläckfisk,’ locally produced, premieres at film fest
Mysteries, thrillers, psychological dramas are not limited to the printed page. Early in its history, Hollywood was producing and distributing mystery films...
Bella Lewitzky film featured at Idyllwild festival
A new film biography of dancer and choreographer Bella Lewitzky, “Bella,” will be included in this year’s Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema...