Esperanza Fire fatality first-responders honored
As part of the remembrance of the five fallen firefighters, the San Jacinto Ranger District honored the firefighters who took part in the immediate rescue and recovery effort on that day.
As part of the remembrance of the five fallen firefighters, the San Jacinto Ranger District honored the firefighters who took part in the immediate rescue and recovery effort on that day.
Ticket price reduced for locals …
Idyllwild’s traditional Pumpkin Carnival and Parade will begin at 4 p.m. at Fern Valley Corners …
The 21-year-old climber had fallen 60 feet and sustained an ankle injury.
Lake Fulmor is a natural mirror on this early fall day.
Bright mountain sunshine filtered by tall pines, oaks and cedars provided the setting for the Arts and Crafts and Vendor Courtyard, which proved to be a very busy place during Living Free Animal Sanctuary’s “It’s All About the Animals” event on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Members of the 2015 Lilac Festival Committee take a break after planting 50 lilacs at the Idyllwild Inn on Saturday.
Youngsters had the opportunity to taste “Wiwish,” the Cahuilla Indian’s traditional acorn meal, during Acorn Day held at the Idyllwild Nature Center …
Hundreds head for the Hill for a taste of Idyllwild’s art scene and fine California varietals …
While no snow fell in the village, the mountain ridges surrounding Idyllwild were dusted in white powder last week …