Past Tense: Sept. 15, 2011

In this Sept. 29, 1983 photo, a new sign graces the front of the Idyllwild Dental Building on North Circle Drive for its grand opening. Celebrating the opening are, from left, Melody Blaschko, office manager, Dr. Heber G. Dunn, dentist, Jan Courtney, dental hygienist, and Dr. William Emmerson, orthodontist (now our state senator). File photo

60 years ago - 1951
A county road crew was erecting concrete walls for a new bridge over Strawberry Creek at Fern Valley corners.

55 years ago - 1956
As summer was drawing to a close, many Idyllwild businesses went on a winter schedule, including the Town Crier, which published every two weeks in the winter.

50 years ago - 1961
Drought conditions, which led to an infestation of destructive insects, were causing trees to die at an alarming rate in the Lake Hemet and Garner Valley areas. The Big Bear Timber Company and a 15-man prison crew had already cut down or treated more than 300 infected trees and another 900 were slated for removal.

45 years ago - 1966
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors decided that funding for electrical service to county parks would be provided in the next year’s budget.

40 years ago - 1971
American Legion officials dedicated Idyllwild Post 800.

35 years ago - 1976
Village Market was advertising lean ground beef for 69 cents a pound, red delicious apples for 29 cents a pound, a 5-pound bag of sugar for 89 cents and 10 pounds of potatoes for 79 cents. One item being advertised hasn’t changed so much in price — Top Ramen noodles were five packages for $1.

30 years ago - 1981
With major league baseball out for the summer on strike, the Idyllwild Softball Association’s playing season became big news. The league champions were: Taylor’s Lodge in the Women’s League; Tristano Realty in the Men’s League; Soroptimist Oakies in the Girls’ 11-15 League; Idyllwild Pharmacy Little Pills in the Girls’ 8-10 League; Dinkel’s Devils in the Boys’ 11-15 League; and the Lions Club Cubs in the Boys’ 8-10 League.

25 years ago - 1986
Marge Muir was elected president of the Idyllwild Board of Realtors for 1987.

20 years ago - 1991
Idyllwild resident Bill Sanborn, by a unanimous vote, became a member of the governing board of the Hemet Unified School District, on which he still serves.

15 years ago - 1996
Black Mountain Lookout reopened after 13 years of being closed.

10 years ago - 2001
A group of Southern California physicists was seeking federal funds to carve a 5-mile tunnel into the San Jacinto Mountains in order to build a neutrino research lab under the Jean and San Jacinto peaks. The plan never came to fruition.

5 years ago - 2006
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors voted to impose a registration fee on businesses in unincorporated areas in order to fund federally-mandated inspections for possible runoff pollution. They also voted to create a new code enforcement and regulation department.

1 year ago - 2010
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District adopted new ambulance fees, separating resident and nonresident fees. The resident fee was increased to $943, up more than 25 percent, and the nonresident fee more than doubled the previous all-inclusive rate of $685.

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