Copper theft causes major power outage to Idyllwild area
Southern California Edison shut down power to nearly 12,000 customers from Hemet to Banning, including all of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, today around 4:30 p.m.
Louis Davis, SCE representative, told the Town Crier that the outage was in response to the discovery this afternoon of a major copper wire theft. Davis said the outage is expected to last for four hours. Davis explained that the power was intentionally shut off in emergency status because of the danger posed by the missing copper wiring.
As this was being written at 5:45 p.m., the power came back on in the center of Idyllwild at the Town Crier office. Please check back tomorrow for more details.
Click here for Souther California Edison's map of current power outage and more details.
Chris you are right. (speed racers)
So SCE shut off the power because there was no copper wire available to fix the line, should the power be lost? Nice.