Opinion: Public kept out of EMS meeting
I went to the EMS (Emergency Medical Services) meeting this last Wednesday at the Pine Cove Water District with Lou Padula and we got tossed out.
They cited that it was not a public meeting and that they could not speak freely with the public in attendance. Also, if the public was allowed they would also have to admit the press. Heaven forbid.
Don’t they understand that this is Idyllwild where secrets are public fodder at the post office, Curves and the dump?
I really wouldn’t have minded since it was a private meeting, but when I asked how many of the attendees were public employees they really had a hard time figuring it out.
First they said four. Then when I got testy and suggested that it wasn’t a really hard question, they said six. There were 14 people present, eventually, from CAL FIRE, American Medical Response [private amublance service], Idyllwild Fire Protection District, EMS, and CSA 38.
I’m not sure I want people ignorant of, or unable to understand their paycheck’s origins, making decisions on the ambulance service that could cost me my life. I was on time for the 1 p.m. meeting, as were the volunteers from County Service Area 38’s [Advisory Committee], but several of these public employees who were on the taxpayer’s dime were up to 20 minutes late. This included the chairman of the meeting.
I do not consider tardiness, when it comes to a service where seconds count, a virtue.
Nancy Borchers
Pine Cove