With the latest data showing that more than six million of 23.6 million eligible Californians are not registered to vote, Secretary of State Debra Bowen is promoting her online tools for voter registration.
“With the voter registration deadline fast approaching for the June primary, now is a perfect time to register to vote with my online fillable form,” said Bowen, the state’s chief elections officer. “If you aren’t sure if you are registered, you can also go through my website to find out.”
Californians can fill out the online voter registration form at www.sos.ca.gov/elections/register-to-vote then just print, sign and mail it. (The form is even pre-addressed to the registrant’s county elections office.) Californians can also pick up a voter registration form at any U.S. post office, public library or county elections office.
The last day to register to vote in the June 5 primary election is May 21. A person must re-register to vote after moving, changing names or changing political party preference. Voters can check if they are already registered to vote through a Secretary of State portal at www.sos.ca.gov/elections/registration-status.
People may register to vote in California if they are residents of California; United States citizens; at least 18 years old by Election Day; are not in prison or county jail (serving a state prison sentence or a term of more than one year in jail for a defined “low-level” felony) or on parole, post-release community supervision or post-sentencing probation for a felony conviction; and have not been judged by a court to be mentally incompetent.
Especially during election season, many people register to vote through groups conducting voter registration drives. These groups are expected to follow the many laws that protect against election fraud and intimidation.
For example, a person cannot be denied a voter registration form, and circulators who collect voter registration forms must promptly deliver them to county elections offices.
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