Mountain Folk: Remembering our friend Steve Hudson

On Saturday, July 7, Idyllwild resident and Idyllwid Arts faculty member Steve Hudson unexpectedly passed away.
Among his many talents, such as teaching and lecturing about art history, Steve created a cartoon strip for the Town Crier. He had several collaborators who did the drawing and Steve provided the humor.
He will be missed by many on and off the Hill.
Good bye to my friend of 55 years. Steve and I met as Freshmen at Servite High School in Anaheim. We had maintaned contact and enjoyed getting together to share our common interests of music, sports, history and literature. We talked about our families and shared the trials and rewards they bring to our lifes. Steve is now gone to a place where the DH in baseball is not allowed, where he can read, write, paint, sing and share his love of all he left behind. May his soul hike the trails of the mountains and valleys he so dearly loved, in comfort and grace.