Garden Club welcomes new board

The Garden Club’s 2013 board includes Toni Berthelotte, president; Erin O’Neill, 1st vice president; Antje Banks, Lilac Tea and parade chair;Wendy Read, Jr. Garden; David Pekrol, co-hospitality chair; Harold Voorheis, co-beautification; Ginny Millard, co-secretary; Edith Brix, membership; Eliz. Miller, 2nd vice president; Neill Bell, co-beautification; Patti Morgan, co-hospitality,; and presenter Mary Loeser. (Not shown are Dianne Johnson, co-secretary, Michael Feyder, co-beautification, Chic Fojtik and Ann Castillo, co-publicity chairs, and Patricia Schnetzer, treasurer.) Photo courtesy of Antoinette Berthelotte

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