Career week during spring break

Zeyn Hagi checks out the skin shed from a King snake during Wildlife Biologist Todd Hoggan’s presentation at Town Hall during its “What do you want to be when you grow up?” week. Photo by Wendy Watts
Zeyn Hagi checks out the skin shed from a King snake during Wildlife Biologist Todd Hoggan’s presentation at Town Hall during its “What do you want to be when you grow up?” week. Photo by Wendy Watts

By Wendy Watts
Town Hall director

We hope to bring extra fun to each school holiday break. This year we had a “What do you want to be when you grow up?” theme.

Monday started off with Todd Hoggan, a wildlife biologist. He brought with him several different animals to share.

Then Tuesday, Susan Righetti with the Idyllwild Library came to share with the kids about what it is like to be a librarian. And volunteer LuAnn Drury read “The Haunted Library” to the kids. They also played a game of Library Bingo where the kids won prizes. At the end, the special guests passed out books and In ‘N’ Out burger gift certificates.

On Wednesday Katie White, owner of Idyllwild Bake and Brew, came to tell the children about being a baker. “I became a baker because I like cake,” she joked as she was preparing frosting for the cookies. The kids got to color their own frosting for egg- and bunny-shaped creations. This day, like the others, were open to the entire town so kids that may not have gone to Town Hall had a chance to enjoy the fun.

Dr. Jennifer Gee, of the James Reserve, shows a quail to Evelyn Johnson during spring break at Town Hall. Photo by Wendy Watts
Dr. Jennifer Gee, of the James Reserve, shows a quail to Evelyn Johnson during spring break at Town Hall.
Photo by Wendy Watts

Then, Thursday, Jennifer Gee came to share her career. She is a scientist with the James Reserve who specializes in quail. She shared a taxidermy quail with the children which impressed them.

On Friday, Lucianna LoPresto shared what it is like to teach yoga. Her daughter, Anna Lucia, helped show the kids several yoga poses.

We think everyone had a good time and once again and we appreciate all the local business people who were so gracious to help us out. We hope this gave the kids and their families an idea of what possibilities are here on the Hill, and that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.

Town Hall staff members Amanda Johnson, Rebekah Swanlund-Cabello and Leanne Isaac helped with this article.

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