Opinion: Palms to Pines Scenic Byway
Having attended local meetings regarding the proposed Palms to Pines Scenic Byway, I would like to comment about the letter to editor on this topic in [the Nov. 22 issue of the Town Crier].
There are numerous such byways across the USA whose major purpose is educational and interpretative, not commerical.
Near my birthplace in north-central Illinois is the Illnois River Road National Scenic Byway. One highlight on this byway is in Ottawa, featuring the site of a famous Lincoln-Douglas debate.
Along the proposed Palms to Pines route, there are beautiful mountain and desert views, and several existing and interesting turnouts enroute. Examples are Indian Vista, Cahuilla Tewanet and Coachella Valley Overlook.
Of course one can stop in Idyllwild for gas, food, lodging, or perhaps a souvenir.But the intent of a byway is primarily what you see.
Knowing of other scenic byways in California, especially in mountain areas, it seems quite appropriate to have our mountain roadway named as a scenic byway.
Mary Ann E. Miller