A parade honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe
On Dec. 12, the Queen of Angels Catholic Church will honor Our Lady of Guadalupe with a celebration and parade.
It begins at 4:15 p.m. at the Harmony monument. From there, people will process up North Circle Drive to Queen of Angels Church.
Besides singers and dancers, six white-gloved young men will carry a statue of Our Lady, which Father Charles Miller will follow during the procession.
At the church, a play, re-enacting the virgin’s 1531 appearance to the Aztec Indian, Juan Diego, will be performed and a mass will follow. The celebration will end with a potluck supper in the parish hall.
The virgin instructed Diego to gather red roses although it was winter. He found the roses at the top of a hill and presented them as a sign to the local bishop. When Diego opened his mantle to present the red roses, on the rough burlap-like material of his tilma (cloak), the exquisitely delicate figure of Our Lady, four feet, eight inches in height appeared.
This portrait of the Virgin Mary has remained fresh and lovely for nearly five centuries.