Opinion: Disposition of the Chamber’s assets
Editor’s note: The following letter, dated May 28, was received just before the paper went to press.
It explains how the Chamber plans to dispose of its assets, including “Harmony,” the monument.
We, the undersigned members of the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce, in light of the absence of a Board of Directors and a lack of nominees or volunteers to fill the empty seats, and following a Special General Membership Meeting at which the vote was unanimous for dissolution, have formed a Dissolution Committee and informed the membership of this decision.
On the subject of dissolution, the Chamber bylaws state only:
“In the event of a dissolution of the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce, any funds or property remaining shall be distributed to one or more regular organized and qualified charitable, scientific or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.”
We propose the following dispersal of the Chamber’s assets to local 501(c)3 nonprofit corporations:
- The Town Monument and the remaining funds in the monument account to the Art Alliance of Idyllwild, with the Idyllwild Rotary Club agreeing to take care of maintaining it.
- The shuttle van to the Art Alliance of Idyllwild.
- Historical documents, memorabilia, folding tables, file cabinets and vacuum cleaner to the Idyllwild Area Historical Society.
- Computer, printer and office supplies to the Soroptimists International of Idyllwild.
- Four-panel convention back-drop to the Friends of the Idyllwild Nature Center.
- EZ-Up tent to the Idyllwild Community Center.
- One case of emergency kits Chamber defibrillator and margarita machine to the Mountain Disaster Preparedness.
- Remaining furniture and assorted items to the Idyllwild HELP Center. Any remaining cash in the general account after the Chamber’s final expenses have been paid will also go to the Idyllwild HELP Center.
David Jerome
Steve Moulton
Marge Muir
Grace Reed
Chris Singer