Mountain folk

mountain folk

Travel Weekly, the leading travel industry publication, announced that Robert “Bob” Romano of Travel Leaders, Your Travel Center, a member of the Tzell Travel Group and an Idyllwild resident, was selected from among hundreds of applicants to attend the Global Travel Marketplace in Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale, Florida, July 9 to 11. GTM is an appointment-only event for travel agents and suppliers seeking to conduct business face-to-face.

Only 103 North American applicants met the strict requirements to attend, which included booking a minimum of $1 million in annual sales and maintaining a global book of business. More than 11,000 appointments were requested, 5,316 face-to-face meetings were conducted and 144 presentation sessions were hosted during the three-day event.

Romano said after the conclusion of the event: “This event was an excellent opportunity to refresh prior contacts and meet new suppliers I could use in the future in planning my valued customers’ vacations.  It was also an excellent opportunity to network with some of the top travel professionals in the industry.”


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