Kellner sentenced to rehab program


Michael Darrenger Kellner, 21, of Idyllwild, who pleaded guilty to one count of a felony burglary charge on July 14, was sentenced on Aug. 4 to three years of formal probation and required to participate in a Salvation Army program. In addition, he will have to serve 253 days in the Riverside County jail.

However his actual jail time “… includes credit for time served of 252 days total (actual custody plus credits), leaving a balance of one day,” wrote John Hall, senior public information specialist for the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office.

Kellner was arrested in January for shoplifting and the charge was changed to burglary felony when filed.

“It was a shoplifting at Fairway Foods but burglary can be charged because a person goes into a business with no means of paying for items and then takes items,” explained Hall. “In these cases, slightly less than $5 in merchandise was taken.”