Sports: Town Hall Soccer
Richard Mozeleski filed this report on local soccer action at Town Hall:
It’s a bit sad to see the soccer season wind down. From the little guys to the adults, it’s been neat to see individuals as well as teams improve dramatically. Watching kids grow from the previous sports this last year to now is quite fascinating. My coaching history was spent year round with my son and his basketball and baseball teammates, seeing them a few days a week all year. I see these kids here incrementally, and the physical, emotional, as well as intellectual, growth is pronounced.
To see a Sami Hogan, who was a little church mouse last year in basketball, become a fearless defender this year, afraid of nobody, especially the boys, makes her coach and me giggle during these games. Watching some of the 8-year-old boys, I wonder what they will be like together on the varsities down the Hill. And then there is Fernando weaving in and out of the opponent’s defense with the ball, reminiscent of the great Gretzky on the ice with the puck.
The teenagers show up faithfully, too, and play their hearts out anytime they have the field. Not enough on Red? Blue will join ’em. Just count ’em up, set the times and away they kick. Some of the preteen kids even show up for extra credit to run with the “bigs.” And the typical “name your favorite” teenage issues? Not here! Congrats, parents.
As for the adults, if we charged a few bucks to watch, it would be a value. They are incredible. If I say, “Oh, my God,” one more time, a tree is going to fall on me. And to the brave Hemet varsity locals who come fill in, it is amazing to see these boys “man up.”
Anyway, this is the last week of the regular season, and then some playoffs, and in Idyllwild sports, anything can and usually will happen. So here we go.
Team W L T
Ages 4-5:
Dora’s Red Cheetahs 2 1 2
Leigh’s Awesome Rockets 2 2 2
Town Crier Storm 2 3 0
Ages 6-8: Blue Nightmare 4 0 2
Idyllwild Heating Knights 4 3 1
Forest Lumber Manchester United 3 1 2
Rustic Theatre Falcons 3 2 1
Idyllwild Cabin Rentals Green Dragons 0 8 0
Ages 9-11:
Suburban San Dragons 8 0 0
Somewhere In Time Blue Dynamite 4 3 0
Pine Cove Market Crimson Tide 2 6 0
Pacific Slope Avengers 1 6 0
Austin Tile 4 4 0
Roby Gray Construction 4 4 0
Clayton Masonry 4 4 0
Arriba 7 1 2
Lumber Mill 7 2 1
Cafe Aroma 6 1 1
Idyllwild Bake ’N Brew 4 4 0
La Casita 2 5 0
Idyllwild Pizza Co. 2 6 0
Ferro 0 9 0