READERS WRITE: Motorcycle collisions
I was very close when the fatal crash near McCall Park occurred on Saturday. Two riders on Suzuki or similar bikes had passed me at high speed across the double yellow on a blind curve. Then they swerved from side to side to see how close to horizontal they could get.
Once I stopped to wait for the clean-up, several other drivers shared similar stories. The mangled bike looked very familiar. I did not really want a closer look at the body covered by a yellow tarp.
This is not the road’s fault. It is egos and poor judgment by immature riders. An “oops” when performing stunts on our roads can be and often is fatal.
Message from me: Gamble on an official course so you don’t put my life and that of my friends in danger.
I appreciate the alert pair of drivers who exited their cars and warned us as we came upon the scene. Otherwise, there could have been a huge chain reaction.
Cathy Wood