
SPORTS: Town Hall Baseball …

Kaelynn Johnston (left) played first base for the American Legion T-ball team Thursday at Idyllwild School. The Town Baker batter (right) grabs the ball, which he just hit, to give to Kaelynn. Photo by Jenny Kirchner
Kaelynn Johnston (left) played first base for the American Legion T-ball team Thursday at Idyllwild School. The Town Baker batter (right) grabs the ball, which he just hit, to give to Kaelynn.
Photo by Jenny Kirchner
On Thursday, Ethan Caster, 4, swings for the Town Baker team in the Idyllwild Town Hall T-ball game.Photo by Jenny Kirchner
On Thursday, Ethan Caster, 4, swings for the Town Baker team in the Idyllwild Town Hall T-ball game. Photo by Jenny Kirchner

Youth Baseball

Town Hall Sports Coordinator Richard Moseleski reports on the games:

Last Tuesday, June 23, the T-ball action was again exciting and, at times, hilarious. The American Legion Patriots battled the Ferro Sluggers, and the Silver Pines Cubs gave the Town Baker Bad News Bakers all they could handle.

This week’s ESPN-like T-ball highlight was of a youngster hitting down the first baseline, running to first base but stopping to pick up the ball to take it with him. All good and well, but he wouldn’t give it to the first baseman. You had to be there.

In Minor action, the Idyllwild Pizza Braves battled back from four runs down to get a 5-5 tie with the Bake Shop & Brew Bacons.

This week, Town Hall athletes will be walking in Saturday’s 4th of July Parade in their assorted team jerseys from their participating sport. If you have a child who has played in the past or you have coached and would like to take part, contact Town Hall at 659-2638.

Minors standings W L T

Jo’An’s Eagles 3 0 0

Bake & Brew Bacons 2 1 1

Town Crier Fireballs 1 1 0

Idyllwild Pizza Braves 1 1 1

Idyllwild Property Management Creepers 0 4 0

No scoring is kept in the T-ball division, which includes the American Legion Patriots, the Town Baker Bad News Bakers, the Silver Pines Cubs and the Ferro Sluggers.

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