Squatter camps in Idyllwild

Photo by Dave Pelham
Photo by Dave Pelham
Photo by Dave Pelham
Photo by Dave Pelham

Two of five squatter camps in Idyllwild, downhill of the bend on Highway 243 leading south out of Idyllwild, are seen in these photos. The camps are on 40 undeveloped acres owned by Charlene Lane. Penelope Smrz, a neighbor immediately adjacent to the 40-acre site, reported the encampments to both the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and U.S. Forest Service law enforcement. Personnel from both visited the site, but all camps were unoccupied at the time of the officials’ visits. Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Green said he would arrest the squatters if and when they are identified and/or found. Smrz also reported the encampments to Olivia Barnes of 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington’s staff, citing grave fire danger and asking for help from the supervisor’s office. To date there has been no response from Barnes or the Supervisor’s office. Fire danger in the Idyllwild area remains extremely high.

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