New parking lot coming to Idyllwild
Local business mogul Shane Stewart recently bought up property from the southwest corner of Cedar Street and N. Circle Drive west to include the Village Centre complex, excluding the Middle Ridge Winery building.
In Phase I, Stewart said he plans to install a 76-space parking lot without removing any buildings. In Phase II, which may happen this summer, he plans to add public restrooms. The restrooms will be maintained without any government funding, he said. “I will do it myself.”
Those renting the property may expect that he also will not raise rents, he said when asked.
He had a specific purpose in buying the land. “In the 16 years I’ve lived here, I’ve never torn down or built any buildings,” he said. “I bought it to preserve it.” He said he very much supports the Idyllwild Historical Preservation District.
“When your grandkids come back in 50 to 60 years, they should be able to enjoy it the way it was,” he added.
I was amused and delighted to read about Mr. Shane Stewart and his parking lot plans. As an enthusiastic newcomer to Idyllwild, I was spectacularly pleased to learn this “local business mogul” (which I’m assuming does not liken him to a bump on a ski slope but implies he is a very rich and powerful person —- according to the dictionary) will be maintaining the bathrooms himself! That is commitment and I will happily supply the Clorox!
Shane always makes everything better than it was before he owned it. I am grateful for all the wonderful improvements he has made to our town.