Creature Corner: February 25, 2016
Congratulations to Rey, who has left the cast for a new gig with a forever family. She will be missed. When we left off last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” the human visitor was lured out of the cattery into the ARF office to meet Leia, the new office cat.
Sadie: Good one, Bobbie. Now he’s out there falling under Leia’s spell.
Bobbie: Who cares? Did you hear that a dog named Doodlebug has wormed her way into ARF? Great. Just great.
Heavenly Whiskers: And not only that, but now there’s another cat in our cattery! She’s a cute little 8-month old female tortoiseshell. Her name is Olivia. (Whiskers peers out the cattery window.) And look! Leia is purring her way into that man’s heart!
Mr. Gray: So she is, but where is this Olivia you mentioned?
Furball Bill: Playing hide and seek, no doubt. I heard her favorite game is to hide under the bed skirt, wait for a human to go by and then launch
like a flying squirrel to “play attack.”
Doodlebug: (Pushing open the door). Hello, cats. I’m Doodlebug, but you can call me Bug for short. Wondering about me? Let’s cut to the chase.
I’m a little 9-pound terrier-mix, and I am crazy adorable. Send a loving human into the room and she’s all mine.
Olivia: (Hesitantly making her way into the cattery) I’m Olivia, and I’m so pleased to be part of the ARF cattery. I’m here to find a forever home with another young, playful kitten or dog.
Bobbie: Oh, so you’re Olivia. Think you can out-charm us when visitors stop by ARF? You know I make a good impression on humans.
Doodlebug: Well, maybe she can out-charm you, but it will all come down to dog vs. cat.
Join us next week to see under whose spell the next ARF visitor will fall …canine or feline.
Please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243. on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Idyllwild Vacation Rentals and Nugget the office dog.