
Readers Write: Bike safety on the highways …


My husband and I recently celebrated our first anniversary of living on the Hill. After nine years of desert living, we made our great escape and have had no regrets.

Our celebration included an enjoyable meal with the wonderful hospitality from the Gastrognome, followed by a stunning dramatic reading by the Idyllwild Theatre Company. We were completely blown away by the level of talent on display.

As part of learning the ways of the Hill, we are making it our mission to try each restaurant and attend as many public events as we can. Thus far, we have felt welcomed by all at each community gathering and wonder: “Is it the mountains that make people so nice or are nice people just drawn here?”

With that said, we feel compelled to weigh in on a recent topic of discussion. Our greatest passion and a source of immense joy is cycling. We have over a decade of experience cycling in California and around the world. We are members of the Desert Bicycle Club and are on its board of directors.

Within our club, the safety of our membership and that of all riders is paramount. We follow the rules of the road wherever we are and do our best to kindly correct those who don’t.

To increase our visibility, we use flashing front and rear lights, which also have video-recording capabilities built in. Please be aware: If you can see our lights, they can see you.

We absolutely love the opportunities for riding that mountain living provides us. Nearly all of the hundreds of vehicles that have passed us on these roads have done so safely and courteously. We are thankful for their kindness and willingness to share.

Similarly, when it is safe for us to do so, we use the available turn-outs to allow safer passing. The thoughtfulness of the majority of road users to this point far outweighs the tiny handful of negative experiences and interactions we have had.

If you see us on the road, please give us a wave. We are a tall couple, me with a blonde ponytail and green-and-white bike, my husband on brushed titanium, both with a smile.

We love this place as much as you do and plan to do our part to keep Idyllwild and the surrounding hills a welcome refuge for all.

Alex B. Napier and Jason Laurence

Mountain Center 

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