Readers Write: Done with Suburban …
Our last refill with Suburban cost $2.90 per gal. And now they refuse to cooperate with the Town Crier? We’re done with them.
Greg Matson
Pine Cove
Our last refill with Suburban cost $2.90 per gal. And now they refuse to cooperate with the Town Crier? We’re done with them.
Greg Matson
Pine Cove
65 years ago – 1948 Plans were being made for The Wild Idle Days celebration to be held in July. 60 years ago – 1953 Dick and Virginia Homan took over operation of the Hillbilly Variety Store while owner Edith Oliver recuperated from surgery. 55 years ago – 1958 Idyllwild’s first massage parlor was opened….
Editor: I was very disappointed to receive and study the Idyllwild Water District’s letter stating its plan to increase our water rates for the next five years, and after having just had a rate increase last year. While the water district notice states, “Just as many households incur increased expenses,” it doesn’t make clear the…
I was reading the article in the Town Crier titled “Fire fee may benefit Idyllwild.” The entire fee is just lying on the part of the California Legislature to get more taxes out of us. The Riverside Press-Enterprise had an editorial on Aug. 15, 2011 that stated while the new fee is supposedly “to help…
Editor: I’ve been a water treatment/distribution educator for almost 30 years and have a Grade 5 (t5). I would be honored to provide specific training for the IWD staff. I’ve lived in Idyllwild for two years. Dr. Jim Gates Idyllwild
By Janice MuraskoLast week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cats met new ARF cat Marcel.Whiskers: Everyone get over here. You won’t believe the news I have!Pepper: We are all here. What is it?Whiskers: Hang onto your hats. Sadie was adopted!!Pepper: Holy cat nip! She has been with ARF for many years. How very…
Editor: I have the right to say how I feel and so do you. I appreciate your response. I wrote about observations, not judgments. Thank God we live in America and can enjoy our freedom of speech. When I came to America in 1956, it was a different America than we live in now. You…