New ministry model at local church

Center for Spiritual Living ministers (from left) are Rev. Helen Henderson, Rev. Dr. Betty Jandl, Rev. Patty Spicer and Rev. Sheila Weldon. Photo by Larry Fina
Center for Spiritual Living ministers (from left) are Rev. Helen Henderson, Rev. Dr. Betty Jandl, Rev. Patty Spicer and Rev. Sheila Weldon.
Photo by Larry Fina

The Idyllwild Center for Spiritual Living is announcing new model of ministry. The congregation has elected four licensed ministers to form a ministerial team to lead the center to grow and flourish. They will assume all ministerial duties and address leadership, the ongoing church business and participate in a Sunday talk rotation.

Sharing the ministry are: Revs. Dr. Betty Jandl, Helen Henderson, Patty Spicer and Sheila Weldon.

“Religious Science, The Science of Mind teachings and principles, gives congregants tools that, if used, will heal, grow, and regenerate their lives with positive change,” wrote Spicer. “This center is a friendly, safe and inclusive, loving place of learning, inspiration, healthy well-being and spiritual unfoldment. All are welcome.”