Last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” the ARF cats met two new ARF dogs and two new adult cats.


Grace: Hi, I’m Grace. Heard you talking about me. I’m so glad to be here, but sad because my forever mom can no longer care for me, King Kitty and Girlie.


Leia:  We’re sorry. We all hope you all will be happy here.

Bobbie: So, King Kitty is the new office cat, I hear.

King Kitty: (Peering through the cattery window) Yes, I’m the office cat now, so I know everything that’s going on. For instance, we have kittens!

Bobbie: Noooo! Say it ain’t so!

Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley: It’s so! I’m Annie, and here’s my sister Calamity Jane.

Calamity Jane: Hi! I know you’re all wondering how we got here.

King Kitty

Annie Oakley: I’ll tell!

A nice lady in Garner Valley found us in a ditch, and we’re so glad she did!

Girlie: Wow. And I thought my story was sad. At least I had a forever mom ’til she got sick.

Calamity Jane

Leia: Hey, Traveler! How are your burned paws doing?


Traveler: I am so much better, thank you. I think I’m ready to join a forever family. I’d love one with a playful pup to be my friend.

Girlie: And I’d like a family who is kind of quiet, where I won’t be alone too much.

King Kitty: My perfect forever family wouldn’t have any other cats.


Grace: My perfect forever family would just want to give me lots and lots of love.

Leia: I think the perfect forever families for any of us would be ones that want to love us, care for us, and make us real, true members of the family.


Bobbie: Amen.

Will ARF be busy with visitors this weekend? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “The Days of our Nine Lives” each week.  And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored In Memory of Felix.