Creature Corner: September 15, 2016
Last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” the ARF cats learned of two new kittens, much to Bobbie’s dismay.
Leia: Bobbie, where are the kittens?
Bobbie: Annie and Jane? Why would I know, or care?
Leia: They’re gone!
King Kitty: Because they got adopted, that’s why!
Bobbie: That was a short stay.
King Kitty: But they’ve been replaced by two dogs, and here they come.
Steve: (bounding into the cattery) Whazzzup? I’m Steve.
Bobbie: What are you? I mean, I know you’re a dog, but what kind of dog?
Steve: Good question. I guess I’m some sort of terrier or whatever. I’m only 11 months old, so I don’t know.
Kayla: Excuse me. I’m Kayla, and I know what I am. I’m half Pomeranian, half Chihuahua.
Traveler: Hi! So glad you’re both here to join the canine crowd, me-n-Girlie Girl.
Girlie Girl: Hello, Steve and Kayla. Hey Traveler, have you noticed?
Traveler: Noticed what?
Girlie Girl: I’ve lost 8 pounds! (sighing) You men.
Traveler: Then both of us have really made progress. My burned paws are healed, and I’m ready to join a family. And you’re on your way to recovering your girlish figure!
Girlie Girl: I am! And I’m taking lots of walks.
Steve: Speaking of walks, quite a few members of the community volunteered to walk all of us canines
around town last weekend. It was so nice. We met so many nice people.
Kayla: Will I get a chance to take a walk in town this weekend?
Girlie Girl: We hope so! You will as long as we have volunteer walkers. Mine took me to Fratello’s for lunch last Saturday.
Bobbie: Lucky!
Will the ARF dogs be out-n-about town this weekend? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “The Days of our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Coyote Red and Chena.