By Janice Murasko

Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, ARF cats and dog shared their holiday wishes for forever homes.


Bobbie: Just when I come to terms with another ARF dog’s presence, she’s gone. 


Leia:  Ha! Yeah, she was adopted last week. In addition to living with two dogs, there is a potbellied pig! I bet she’s having a blast.  

George:  Without doubt, I’m sure.  On another note, have all you heard that ARF is offering special adoptions of us cats?  Different Idyllwild businesses are sponsoring us, paying half of the adoption fee this month.

Olivia:  So, you’re saying that anyone who can give us a safe, warm forever home will be able to adopt us for half of the usual adoption fee? That’s great!


Bobbie:  Now that’s a good deal. Of course, I’m such a loving lap-cat, I’m worth hundreds more than any adoption fee.  

Leia:  The love and companionship any of us can give is priceless, Bobbie.  


Bobbie:  And now that it is so darned cold up here, our warm little bodies are an added bonus! 

Olivia:  My added bonus is my ability to entertain for hours on end. Have I ever shown you how I can open cabinets?  And my ability to leap through the air is, to say the least, breathtaking. 

George:  Olivia, not all humans want that much activity.  Those are the folks who might want to adopt me.  I’m always around for companionship and lap-warming. 


Carly:  We all have our individual personalities, mine being an unassuming presence, but there none-the-less.  And if the human wants a mouse-free home…

Pepper:  I might not open cabinets like Olivia, but I am a champion toy-on-a-stick chaser.  If that


doesn’t put a smile on a human’s face, I don’t know what will. 

Who will take home a furry ball of joy for the holidays?  Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122. Check us out online at:

In Memory & Honor of  Tracer, Leader of the Pack and Modena, Gentle Princess for their many years of love, loyalty and fun -The McCaughin/Strong Family