Creature Corner: January 26, 2017
Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, the ARF cats were missing those who were recently adopted.
Bobbie: Announcement! Announcement!
Grace: Hang on, Bobbie. We’re on our way.
(ARF cats gather around Bobbie.)
Sadie: What’s up?
Bobbie: I want you to meet our new ARF family member. (Calling into another room) Dahlia! Come on in and meet your new friends!
Dahlia: (Entering the room) Good morning. I’m so happy to be here!
Bobbie: This is Dahlia. She was found near a rental cabin in Idyllwild.
Sadie: Dahlia, you’ll be very happy here with us.
Mr. Gray: You’re pretty young!
Dahlia: Yes, maybe six months old. It’s so nice and warm in here. I’m so lucky that the nice lady who found me brought me here.
Grace: This is a nice place to live while you wait for your forever family to take you home.
Bobbie: Grace is right. Humans visit us here, and when they fall in love with you, they’ll take you home forever.
Dahlia: Oh my gosh! That’s wonderful! How long will I have to wait?
Bobbie: We don’t know. Some of us have been waiting for quite a while, and we just don’t understand why.
Pepper: Especially since adoption fees are half-price right now!
Mr. Gray: When a human comes in, you need to show her just how friendly you are. You know, weave in and out of her legs, purr, let her pet you. I’m still working on doing this, and I’m getting better!
Bobbie: I have it figured out. I could win the ARF Miss Congeniality award.
Grace: Not so fast, Bobbie. I’d give you serious competition.
Mr. Gray: And if we get adopted this month, our forever families can enter us into ARF’s Pets of the Year Contest.
Will Dahlia set the record for a quick adoption? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122. Check us out online at:
In memory of In Memory of Mattie, Spencer & Chelsea.