Supervisor names two locals to fill CSA 36 vacancies
Riverside County 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington named two Hill locals, Mark Garrett and Ted Janka, to fill the two vacant seats on the County Service Area 36 Advisory Committee.
Both live within the prescribed CSA 36 boundaries. Washington’s recommendation went before the full Board of Supervisors for appointment on Tuesday, March 21.
With their confirmation by the board, Garrett and Janka will take their places as advisory committee members at the 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 23, meeting.
Their appointments would have brought the committee to its full complement of five members, but for the Tuesday, March 14, resignation of Wendy Read. Washington’s Legislative Assistant Opal Hellweg noted the new vacancy would have to be posted for more applicants to apply. But, for the near future, the committee will meet with four members until a fifth is appointed.
The March 23 meeting is open to all community members, not just CSA 36 residents. Pine Cove residents have raised questions regarding the award of the CSA 36 recreation contract to the San Jacinto Mountain Community Center (aka Idyllwild Community Center) and how that could affect non-CSA 36 residents’ use of recreational programs at the ICC.
CSA 36 recreation programs are funded by parcel tax dollars paid by residents within the jurisdictional boundaries of CSA 36. Pine Cove residents’ questions center on whether those recreation programs, some of which will eventually be held at ICC facilities, will also be open to Pine Cove residents inasmuch as the ICC is designed to serve the wider community. Those questions may be raised at the March 23 meeting.
Could now be the time to align the boundaries of CSA 36 so that they match up with that of the Idyllwild School attendance boundaries? Maybe this is an idea that the CSA 36 Board ought to consider looking into. This would (without question) provide equal inclusion to all of those living outside of the current CSA 36 area. Just a thought!