Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans 2017

Photos by Alan Belanger

Spring in Idyllwild has been especially fruitful this year, bringing not only the familiar trumpet-shaped daffodils reaching for the Sun, and May’s customary light dusting of snow, but also a Daisy and Brownie Girl Scout Troop–the first on the Hill in several years. The youngsters in Kindergarten through 4th grade met for the first time…
The Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema returns for the fifth time next month. From Jan. 7 to 11, festival participants will once again be offered a panoply of dozens of films — from features to documentaries to shorts. “We really focused on quality this year,” said Idyllwild Director Steve Savage. “Our standards are through the…
The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation’s next Spotlight on Leadership presentation is at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 8, at Rush Hall on campus. Assistant Head of School Dr. Jeanette Louise Yaryan, and a longtime member of the piano music faculty, will speak. Yaryan began performing and studying the piano at age 3, winning numerous awards,…
There are many reasons to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. But one young man, Kyran Young, born in Zimbabwe on the African continent, is hiking the 2,663 miles of the PCT for a cause unfamiliar to his fellow hikers or most people in the United States. Raised in Africa until he was 12, Kyran seeks…
Danny Richardson oversees the barbecue last Saturday, filled with pork and beef to feed the many that came out for American Legion Post 800’s annual July 4th celebration event.
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John Hammonds Chaplain/Service Officer American Legion Mayhew-Vincent White Cane Post 266 Westminster Ca 92683, My Commander CP Dou Glass was asked to perform A Flag Folding Cermony for Veteran Donald Delano Tomeo on May 17th with family,friends and more at a Luncheon in Loving Memory,who passed away on May 8th 2017 Was he a member of your Post?