Creature Corner: April 6, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” Alice joined the family of ARF cats.

Bobbie: More news, my friends! Gather ’round!

George: Another cat?

Bobbie: Not this week. ARF has a new canine family member, Sheba.   

Audrey: I’ve met her. She’s super sweet, and she likes us cats!

Mr. Gray: Then she can’t be half bad.   


Audrey: And she likes dogs and kids, too.   

Bobbie: Hey! This is my report, Audrey. Sheba is pretty cool. She’s not too big, only 32 pounds, and only 2, maybe 3 years old.

Mr. Gray: Is she here?   

Bobbie: She is. Hang on and I’ll go get her. (Bobbie dashes out of cattery.)

Alice: Do you guys like dogs?

Mr. Gray: Some of us do, and some of us just know how to avoid them. Pepper seems to think they’re OK.    

Pepper: Yeah, dogs are OK.

Alice: Oh! Here come Bobbie and Sasha.

Mr. Gray

Sheba: (Entering) Hello everyone. Nice to be here.

Alice: Hey, Sasha. Tell us more about yourself.

Sheba: Well, I like to cuddle, and I’m fairly low energy. I’m crate-trained and I love my toys. I’ll even climb onto a human’s lap if I’m given the chance.

Bobbie: Me, too, Sasha. A lap is the best place to be.

Sheba: I hope I find a forever home soon.  I’m pretty sad, and a little confused. I’ve had a rough few weeks. My mom moved away, without me.

Mr. Gray: I’m sorry to hear that.


Audrey: I think the perfect human will find you very soon.

Bobbie: I think Audrey is right.

Sheba: I hope she is. I truly do.

How long will Sasha wait to find her forever home?  Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please, stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of Pepper.

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