70 years ago - 1947
It was school-board election time, but none of the five people nominated was a registered voter. It was necessary to write in names of candidates.
65 years ago - 1952
A group of students of Christian Science, which had been meeting informally for four years, became officially the Christian Science Society of Idyllwild, a recognized branch of the Mother Church.
60 years ago - 1957
Balladeers Joseph Marais and Miranda obtained a permit to build a cabin on Double View Drive.
55 years ago - 1962
Big Bear Timber Co. fallers working in May Valley reported numerous encounters with rattlesnakes.
50 years ago - 1967
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Nightingale moved from Hawaii to Idyllwild — exchanging pineapples for pines.
45 years ago - 1972
Postmaster Lloyd Wood announced an increase in postage rates, First Class letters went to 8 cents.
40 years ago - 1977
The Idyllwild Jaycee Invitational Bluegrass Festival held at County Park was a big success.
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There was a mild epidemic of measles at Hemet Junior High School. A goodly group of those with red spots were from the Hill, leading the school to speculate that the long bus ride up and down the mountain may have contributed to the spread.
35 years ago - 1982
More head lice were found on students at Idyllwild Elementary School. In the previous two weeks, 15 cases had been reported. School officials were asking parents to help in combating the problem.
30 years ago - 1987
The Idyllwild Property Owners Association came out with a “strong support position” in favor of the proposed Idyllwild-area sewer project.
25 years ago - 1992
Because of budget cuts, Hemet High School was to change start times from 8:30 to 7:30 a.m. Idyllwild parents complained, saying the change meant students would have to catch the bus at 6:30 a.m. or earlier, while it was still dark.
20 years ago - 1997
Dylan Montano was one of four students picked by the American Legion Post 800 to attend Boys’ State in Sacramento.
15 years ago - 2002
At a public meeting, many residents expressed concern over Idyllwild Water District’s reintroduction of water from radioactive well 1A.
10 years ago - 2007
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the U.S. Forest Service released their joint “Esperanza Fire Accident Investigation Factual Report,” revealing that management decisions contributed to the deaths of the five firefighters in October 2006.
5 years ago - 2012
An anonymous report to State of California authorities resulted in the state’s Department of Social Services shutting down the preschool program at Town Hall. County Service Area Operations Manager Bill Brown said he anticipated the preschool would reopen in about a week.
1 year ago - 2016
Barbara Longbrook, Idyllwild School K-1 teacher, retired at the end of the school year after a 40-year teaching career.