Journal from the James


Journal from the James: What’s wild in Idyllwild, final entry …

Over the last several months the entries for the “Journal from the James” have included periodic accounts on the results of our trail camera efforts around town. The project, “What’s Wild in Idyllwild,” was an attempt to document the common and not-so-common wildlife species that share the mountain retreat we call home. We put our…

Climate change and its effect on quail …

Climate change and its effect on quail …

By James Reserve Team Quail Member Sean Race For many of us, climate change is an intangible that leaves us with more questions than answers. The term “climate change” evokes images of hurricanes, floods and all manner of cataclysmic natural disasters. When visualizing “climate-change research, we think of researchers in heavy jackets, faces peeking out…

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Journal from the James: An interview with John …

James Reserve Assistant Director Dr. John Laundré was born and raised in the Midwest (Wisconsin) and received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees there. He received his doctorate from Idaho State University in 1979. Since then, he spent the next 30 years working on large-mammal predator-prey ecology in the western U.S. and northern Mexico. His experience…


Journal from the James: El Niño, El Niño …

By James Reserve Assistant Director John Laundré We have heard a lot this past several months about El Niño — about how it is or was supposed to deluge us with rain — and other dire predictions. And in some areas, especially further north, that seems to be the case. However, here, with every predicted…

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Journal From the James: Oasis de los Osos, our desert sister site …

Many of our readers are familiar with the James Reserve from our writings and public talks. However, few know that the James officially consists of not only our site near Lake Fulmor, but a second site on the other side of the mountain in the northeast foothills of Mt. San Jacinto. So I want to…


Journal from the James: More of what’s wild in Idyllwild: Crows & ravens …

For those of you who remember the “Journal from the James” article on bobcats, I had mentioned I would follow with more periodic articles on the wildlife that have been showing up on the cameras we have placed around Idyllwild and Pine Cove. In this month’s installment, I have decided to write about two closely…

Journal From the James: Winter has arrived on the mountain …

Journal From the James: Winter has arrived on the mountain …

With the abundant snow that has fallen in Idyllwild, an appropriate topic for this month’s contribution from the James Reserve is winter. Even though we may have thought winter started a couple of months ago, in reality we are only in the first few weeks of the official winter season. Marked as starting around Dec….


Journal from the James: What’s wild in Idyllwild? Bobcats …

On Nov. 19, the Idyllwild Community Center sponsored my presentation at its Speakers Series at Silver Pines Lodge. The topic was the motion-sensitive cameras I’ve placed around Idyllwild and that I wrote about in a previous installment of “Journal From the James” (April 9, 2015). The presentation was well attended and I enjoyed letting the…

Journal from the James: What good is a dead tree? …

Journal from the James: What good is a dead tree? …

With the drought persisting in our area, a lot of concern, and rightfully so, has arisen regarding the loss of many of our trees. As usual, when we have trees dying, especially after a forest fire, we hear the arguments that these trees need to be cut down so they don’t go to “waste.” When…

Journal from the James: Sky islands continued …

Journal from the James: Sky islands continued …

By Assistant Director John Laundré In the last “Journal from the James,” I pointed out the uniqueness of mountainous sky islands such as the San Jacintos. As unique as they are, I hinted that besides bei ng islands of diverse climate, vegetation and animals, their impact can extend far beyond their lowland island boundaries. In…