Creature Corner: June 8, 2017
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the ARF cats talked about being patient with finding a new home.
Bobbie: That, my friends, was the quietest weekend we’ve had in a long time.

George: True, but it was for a good reason. Hopefully, the ARF humans raised lots of money at the beer festival.
Bobbie: I bet they did.

Anabel: So, no new adoptions.
Heavenly Whiskers: No, but I heard there is a new adult canine and a bunch of puppies!
Tinkerbell: What???
Bobbie: True! ARF has four adorable little terrier-mix puppies. And I mean little. They all weigh between 2 and 3 pounds.
Mr. Gray: Awww… What are their names?

Bobbie: Penny, Sheldon, Leonard and Raj, the “Big Bang” litter.
Tinkerbell: Whiskers, you also mentioned an adult dog?
Heavenly Whiskers: I did, and it’s a sad, sad story, but with a better ending.
Bobbie: Let me tell! He’s a German Shepherd who came to ARF looking pretty bad. The veterinarians say he was in all likelihood a bait dog for dog fights.
George: Oh, no! Is he OK?

Bobbie: He has a long road to recovery. The vets had to shave him from his neck to the tip of his tail. They had to clean and stitch very deep bite wounds, and they had to remove foxtails from his entire body. He has lots of old bite wounds, is underweight and has arthritis. But in spite of all that, he’s a really sweet boy.
George: How old?
Bobbie: Probably 9, and he is so loving. He’s good with kids and other dogs. He doesn’t really care about us cats.
Crue: Maybe he’d like to play with me.

Jet: Crue! He just had major surgery!
Crue: It is a sad story. I can’t imagine what his life was like before he came to ARF.
Jet: His future looks better, now.
How long before the next adoption? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
No one sponsored Creature Corner this week. To sponsor, contact Lisa Streeter at [email protected] or 951-659-2145, ext. 13.
Let’s hope that Mother Nature protects that unfortunately famous bear from its human predators.