Sports: Adult Coed Softball
Town Hall Sports Coordinator Bob Lewis gave this report on recent Adult Coed Softball games.
On Monday, July 24, Forest Lumber beat Ajax 15-4.
Also that night, Creekstone beat Forest Lumber 15-8.
The next night, Idyllwild Arts lost to Forest Lumber 7 -18, and Ajax beat Creekstone 12-3.
On Wednesday, July 26, Creekstone beat Patty Perez 8-6.
On Friday, July 28, Patty Perez lost to Idyllwild Arts 9-14.
Wins Losses
Patty Perez 5 3
Forest Lumber 4 3
Ajax 4 4
Creekstone Inn 4 4
Idyllwild Arts 2 5