
Creature Corner: September 7, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the Kapital Kittens were introduced.

Little Girl: I love this office cat job because I just love sharing good news.


Bodie: That must be fun. Do you have some to share?

Little Girl: I do! Four of the Kapital Kittens have found forever homes, so that leaves Trenton and Augusta.

George: That was fast!

Little Girl: It was, and I have more good news. Tinkerbell has been adopted and Ivory the senior dog has also found a forever family.

Roadie: And have you heard that my adoption is pending? If all goes well, I’ll be with my new forever dad this Friday!

Bodie: Congratulations, Roadie. I hope my forever family finds me very soon.


Little Girl: Wait!  I’m not finished! We have a new feline family member. His name is Ranger and he is such a friendly, happy guy. He was found at the ranger station up here, and no one has come to claim him, so he is now looking for a new forever home.

Sadie: I think I should have taken notes! This is a lot of news to absorb.

Little Girl: You’re right, Sadie, so I’ll summarize. Denver, Austin, Phoenix and Juno, four of the kittens, were adopted. Tinkerbell also was adopted. Ivory the senior dog was adopted, and we got a new cat, Ranger. We have three kittens still here, looking for forever families. One boy, Trenton, and the little girl Augusta are so playful and cute! Oh, and Roadie has a pending adoption. Whew!

Mr. Gray: I met Ranger this morning. What a nice guy!  He loves humans. Some family will be very lucky to have him.

Pepper:  I’m going to go play with those kittens. Bodie, you like cats. Want to join me?

Bodie: You bet!

Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored  in memory of Dreyfus.

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