Creature Corner: May 31, 2018
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” Panther introduced six new ARF dogs.
Panther: Gather ’round, my friends!
Freda: Panther, you are looking great. Have you lost weight?
Panther: I have! I’m down to a svelte 20.5 lbs.
Jax: Good for you. Where’s Daisy, that cute little Poodle?
Zoe: She was adopted, didn’t you hear? She went to her forever home in under 36 hours.
Pepper: And yet we wait.
Mr. Gray: Patience, Pepper. One of the eight kittens was adopted last weekend.
Panther: So, seven kittens and seven adults wait for their forever homes.
Jax: Along with Zoe, Freda and me.
Panther: Next weekend, the ARF house will be closed because of the beer festival. Every ARF angel will be there to help it raise enough funds to keep our doors open.
Zoe: That’s on Saturday at the Nature Center, so what about Sunday?
Mr. Gray: Maybe we’ll be open, and maybe not. Lots of clean up to do after a fun day on Saturday.
Jax: Let’s hope we get lots of phone calls this week for appointments to meet us. Zoe and I are such cute terrier-mixes, and that little Freda is a wonderful dog.
Zoe: But we have to give props to the cats and kittens. They’re pretty darned cute, too.
Sadie: If every human who lives alone would take one of us home, he or she wouldn’t be lonely. Any one of us would be such good company, always ready to watch TV and listen to good conversation, even though it might be one-sided!
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Carole Herman & Sandi Mathers.